Movie: Breakthrough
In 2015, a 14-year-old high school basketball star named John Smith was running atop the ice of a lake near St. Louis when he fell through and disappeared underwater for 15 minutes. It was already surprising when a paramedic was able to locate and pull his freezing body out of the water, but he was… Continue Reading Movie: Breakthrough
“Mary Poppins Returns” – Movies
Anyone with a decent childhood has seen the original “Mary Poppins,” the 1964 cinematic gem that won Julie Andrews an Oscar for playing one of the greatest characters in cinema history: a magical nanny who could fly, bring real-world kids into a cartoon world and generally turn a bleak world cheery. In a world dominated… Continue Reading “Mary Poppins Returns” – Movies
There have been few rock stars in the annals of pop history who were as colorful as Freddie Mercury. As the lead singer of Queen, he used his four-octave vocal range to weave opera and rock together in ways that had never been heard before or since. His theatrical stage presence also drew a huge… Continue Reading Movie Review – BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY
The current fall TV season has some high-profile shows featuring stars who are longtime favorites for the over-50 audience, with the return of two canceled shows in “Murphy Brown” and “Last Man Standing,” the reinvention of “Roseanne” without its controversial star as “The Conners,” and a brand-new show with what might turn out to be… Continue Reading FALL ’18 TV REVIEWS
God friended me – TV Review
The world is a confusing place these days for many millennials – the current generation of teens and twentysomethings who, according to polls, have been largely raised without any traditional religion or concept of God. Yet many studies also show that there is a yearning for a spiritual life, purpose and meaning among many of… Continue Reading God friended me – TV Review
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