Can the Saints Help with Better Health?
We Catholics have a rich tradition of recognizing our family of saints who went before us, by celebrating their feast days. Listed below are the dates in July when we acknowledge some of our friends in Heaven. We can and should surround ourselves with the protection of our “Cloud of Witnesses”, either through the participation… Continue Reading Can the Saints Help with Better Health?
Prayer and Exercise
One of the blessings of being Catholic is the opportunity to celebrate feast days and devotions of our Faith. Recognition of the different celebrations is part of our rich history and culture and these feast days indeed should be recognized. Compiled below is a list of just some of the days that we as Catholics recognize… Continue Reading Prayer and Exercise
Working…on Balance
More and more seniors approaching the retirement stage of their lives have decided to continue gainful employment. The decision to remain in the workforce, particularly on a part time basis has many advantages. Employment can bestow a sense of structure and self-worth, not to mention a much appreciated paycheck. But it is important to manage… Continue Reading Working…on Balance
Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry
Many of us might recall a popular hit song of the late 1980’s by musician Bobby McFerrin, entitled “Don’t Worry. Be Happy.” I’d like to suggest that our saints are able to give us much better advice when dealing with life’s worries and troubles. Padre Pio of Pietralcino was a Franciscan priest who received the… Continue Reading Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry