More and more seniors approaching the retirement stage of their lives have decided to continue gainful employment.  The decision to remain in the workforce, particularly on a part time basis has many advantages.  Employment can bestow a sense of structure and self-worth, not to mention a much appreciated paycheck. But it is important to manage these years and to strive to include adequate rest and recreation.  We should continue to work….but, on balance.

Balance is important

And how can we balance our lives and priorities?  Through Faith.  More specifically, through prayer.  Prayer helps us get our day started and helps us set those priorities. And prayer will call upon God to set those priorities in balance.

To start the day, consider offering up your day’s activities to God in the form of a Morning Prayer or Offering, or alternatively end the day through an Examination of Conscience.  Listed below are the Seven Daily Habits of a Practicing Catholic.  If you can incorporate even just one habit,  you may find better balance in your day.

1. Morning Offering (dedicating your day to God)

2. The Angelus (pondering the Word made Flesh)

3. Scriptural Reading/Spiritual Reading

4. Silent Prayer, (Meditation, Reflection)

5. Vocal Prayer (praying the Rosary for example.)

6. Holy Eucharist (or if not possible, at the very least, be in communion with others)

7. Examination of Conscience (preparing for your next Sacrament of Reconciliation)

Also don’t forget to include opportunities to reach out to family on a regular basis.  In a very broad sense, being in communion with others in some form or other is life-lengthening.  Study after study about what makes us ultimately happy synthesizes to the following conclusion:  Faith and Family makes for a happier person.  When evening falls, it may not always seem that things went well, but offering everything up to God helps smooth out the rough edges of the day.

Physically speaking, in a Pietra Fitness class we devote a considerable amount of time on balance techniques.  We stretch and strengthen our muscles. We engage our core abdominals to provide strength and support for our back.  We are encouraged to be aware of hand-eye coordination, using smooth, fluid movements instead of erratic, strenuous joint and muscle exertion.

And finally, at the end of the day, remember to get proper rest.  Consider that after the Six days of Creation (Genesis Chapter 1 account) God saw that everything He created was very good;   He then rested on the Seventh day.  If He can take the time to rest, so can we.